For a strong and sustainable transition, Maisons du Monde has evolved its practices and reduced its greenhouse gas emission intensity by 18.5% since 2018.
Our goal by 2025: reduce our carbon emission intensity by 25%.
At Maisons du Monde, we are aware that deep and lasting change requires us to transform our internal processes. Each and every day, we work to reduce our environmental footprint by changing our practices. From how we transport our products, to our energy consumption at points of sale and our waste management, all of our business lines work to help build a cleaner, better world every day.
More services for a circular, social, and solidarity-based lifecycle is our fifth Good is beautiful commitment.
To reduce our waste, action plans are being implemented at every stage of our operations:
In our logistics chain: we work with our suppliers and transport partners to optimize our packaging while ensuring the protection of delivered products.
In our stores: in 2023, 54% of the waste was sorted for recovery in our stores and warehouses. We also engage our employees by raising awareness and training them on waste sorting.
With our customers: our packaging for checkout is part of an environmental approach (certification or labeling) to reduce its impact, and sorting instructions are displayed on the bags we give to our customers.

We are reducing our energy consumption across all of our activities:
In our warehouses: we optimize the energy efficiency of buildings from the design stage. This approach has earned us HQE (High Environmental Quality) and BREEAM certifications for the last warehouse we opened in 2016.
In our stores: we reduce consumption by choosing less energy-intensive lighting (LED), modernizing heating, air conditioning, and ventilation systems, and implementing environmental best practices through our network of Good is beautiful ambassadors in-store.
In our own factory in Mekong: we choose energy-efficient equipment for lighting (LED) and drying ovens, among other things.
In our travel and transportation: 100% of our light vehicle fleet is equipped with hybrid or electric vehicles.

Aware of the impact of our activities on climate change, we have committed to a voluntary climate strategy.
In addition to reducing the energy consumption of our activities, we have incorporated the use of renewable energy into our commitment to reduce our "direct" greenhouse gas emissions (referred to as "Scope 1 & 2" emissions). As of the end of 2023, 98.9% of our stores are powered by renewable energy, and all our French stores have obtained ISO 50001 certification.

Beyond "direct" emissions, the activities of our service providers and suppliers account for a significant portion of our "indirect" greenhouse gas emissions (referred to as "Scope 3" emissions). To reduce these emissions, our efforts are currently focused on three main areas:
Product transportation: choosing more eco-friendly modes of transport, optimizing loadings and logistics flows. We are committed to the FRET21 initiative to reduce CO2 emissions from our downstream transportation.
Environmental footprint of products: measuring the carbon impact of the products we distribute, promoting eco-design, and integrating recycled materials.
Customer travel to our stores: supporting the development of sustainable mobility, and locating stores as close as possible to customers.
Our commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 has been approved by the Science Based Target Initiative. We are also committed to reducing our carbon intensity by 25% by 2025.

To meet the goals of our environmental policy and promote our commitment to our teams and customers, we have been deploying a network of Good is beautiful ambassadors in our stores since 2017. This network helps spread our actions among teams and customers, while also creating a link between head office services and field employees.
On a daily basis, the role of Good is beautiful ambassadors is to implement concrete actions to reduce the environmental impact of the stores, communicate, and encourage the sharing of best practices between stores.
This Good is beautiful ambassador network is deployed across all Group stores, with one ambassador identified per store.
At the head office, a member of the CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) department is dedicated to coordinating and managing the entire network of Good is beautiful ambassadors in stores.