Off the back of "Aux Arbres!" week, held online and at Maisons du Monde stores from 2 to 6 June 2021, the MDM Foundation invited customers to help plant trees in three regions of France with its partner, the Fonds pour l'Arbre tree fund. A look back at these events in pictures and video.
During "Aux Arbres!" week, customer purchases of our forest-friendly products helped fund the planting and maintenance of 10,000 trees in France. As a way of saying thank you, those who got involved in the campaign were invited to take part in planting the trees. The goal? To give our customers the chance to join us in fighting to protect forests and trees!
A relaxed, collaborative activity
Customers brought along their friends and family to plant trees with the Fonds pour l’Arbre tree fund in three regions of France, Wavrin (59), Brie-Comte-Robert (77) and Bouaye (44), between 20 November and 11 December. Featuring:
A welcome address raising awareness of the importance of preserving forests and hedgerows in France, during which participants can enjoy a hot drink
Tree planting and mulching
A relaxed meal with all participants

Through these events, our customers have made their own contribution to fighting climate change, preserving biodiversity, protecting soils and improving water quality. A wonderful gesture to help protect trees in the French countryside!