5,000 visitors made their way to the former shipyards on Nantes Island on 8 and 9 June to meet the many stakeholders brought together to commit to the challenges faced by forests, biodiversity and the climate.
On Friday morning, Gilles Petit, Chief Executive Officer of Maisons du Monde, opened the two-day event with a breakfast that brought together partners and the professional networks. Later, seven school classes from Vertou, near Nantes, visited the site. On the programme: construction of nests, paper flowers, seed bombs, tree climbers, not to mention a complete immersion in the forest via virtual reality. These activities also delighted older visitors, who came in large numbers to take advantage of the conferences organised over these two days.

On Friday evening, the “Agir avec les grands témoins" event hosted by Fabienne Morgaut, Director-General of the Foundation Maisons du Monde, gave the floor to Candido Mezua Salazar, representative of the first people of Panama, Tristan Lecomte, founder of the PUR PROJET, the French-Tunisian entrepreneur Sarah Toumi and the botanist Francis Hallé, as well as Audrey Pulvar, President of the Fondation pour la Nature et l’Homme. They were there to recount their experiences and share their vision of forest conservation.
The screening of the film “Intelligence des Arbres” brought this wonderful event to a close!

During the two days, the public took part in a series of high-quality conferences about the different challenges which the forest faces: trees the climate’s best ally; reconciling farming and forestry work; is a forest in the city possible? were all themes considered during the different round tables.

On Saturday, the public were present in order to take advantage of the conferences and workshops with young and old alike.
All conferences, speeches and exclusive interviews of participants will be available soon on the website aux-arbres.com
Download the press release of the event's report here (french version only).