GRET replaces the Conservatoire Méditerranéen Partagé as the ARRONDI en caisse beneficiary in all of our French stores. The association is working with locals to preserve and restore forests and mangroves on the island of Nosy Boraha in Madagascar. Find out more about their project!
From 26 July 2022, all the micro-donations of spare change through the ARRONDI en caisse scheme in Maisons du Monde stores across France will be donated to GRET, to be put towards its project "Preserving forests on the Island of Nosy Boraha".
Spotlight on the GRET's forest conservation project
The island of Nosy Boraha, classified as a priority site for protection by the Malagasy State, includes 4000ha of forests, 800 of which are deemed to be remarkable (i.e. containing trees considered special due to their age, shape, size, associated legends and so on), and 172ha of mangroves. The island's biodiversity is under threat due to overexploitation of resources and intense deforestation.
In light of this problem, GRET is running awareness and training projects on location for local populations and has asked the State to create a protected area, both on land and in the waters surrounding the island, in order to preserve this habitat. After six years of partnership with GRET, the Maisons du Monde Foundation has renewed its support in 2022 so that the association can continue to grow and implement new actions over the next two years.

The funds collected through customer donations to the ARRONDI en caisse scheme will help the project:
- Create anti-forest-crime, awareness raising and ecological restoration programmes;
- Ensure legal recognition for the protected area;
- Create market gardening training for local populations;
- Develop community ecotourism on the island.
For more information, visit the project page on the MDM Foundation website or the association's website.