Because the future of forests is non-negotiable, the mission of Maisons du Monde Foundation is to contribute to the preservation of forests for and by local populations and the promotion of the wood resource by associations supporting people in difficulty. It currently finances 23 projects in 11 countries.
Up until 12 November 2018, associations can apply for the Maisons du Monde Foundation’s new call for projects “Forests & Climate, Wood & Climate”.
Under the aegis of the Fondation pour la Nature et l’Homme, since its creation in 2016, the Maisons du Monde Foundation has supported projects based on two themes:
- Protecting forests and their biodiversity in southern countries
- Recycling wood materials in France and Europe
Trees lie at the heart of all the projects supported. In addition to being a source of raw material, trees are a source of life. They provide ecological services, are social places in some communities, and are one of the climate’s best allies.
Deforestation is responsible for 12% to 20% of global greenhouse gas emissions, yet forests are one of the best solutions for capturing and reducing greenhouse gases. In parallel, at the end of the production chain, 345 million tons of waste is generated every year in France. In this view, many structures are attempting to give it value, especially wood materials, by capturing deposits destined for recycling.

For its selection committee in February 2019, the Maisons du Monde Foundation is launching a call for projects on the theme “Protecting forests” and “Recycling wood” with “climate” as the dominant theme. Projects justifying a climate component will be given priority (reduction, adaptation). Special attention will be paid to associations that show vision and a project that can be replicated, as well as a method for monitoring and measuring its impact (trees, volume of greenhouse gas avoided, capturing of waste deposits, etc.).
The 2019 call for projects is open until 12 November inclusive. Associations can apply to the Foundation for funding of €20,000 to €30,000 a year in the frame of a 3-year partnership.
Project sponsors can download the funding application form and all the documents required on the Foundation’s website and submit their project by e-mail: