Maisons du Monde is a limited liability company with a Board of Directors that reviews and approves all strategic decisions of the company. The Board of Directors is assisted by four permanent specialist committees - the Audit Committee, the Nomination and Compensation Committee, the CSR Committee, the Strategic Committee – and relies on an Executive Committee, composed of an experienced leadership team.

The company has decided to separate the functions of Chairman and CEO. This creates a clear distinction between their respective missions: the Chairman of the Board of Directors organises and directs the Board's work and reports on this to the Shareholders’ meeting. He ensures that company bodies are running smoothly and, in particular, that Directors are able to perform their duties. The CEO manages the company and represents it with respect to third parties, he is in charge of operational functions.

The company refers to the AFEP-MEDEF Code for its corporate governance.

The Board of Directors

Our Board of Directors is composed of 13 members including 6 independent members.

Françoise Gri : Chairwoman of the Board of Directors and Independent Director
Michel Sirat : Independent Director
Cécile Cloarec : Independent Director
Laure Hauseux : Independent Director
Victor Herrero : Independent Director
Alexandra Palt : Independent Director
François-Melchior de Polignac : Director, CEO of Maisons du Monde
Adam Epstein : Director
Gabriel Naouri : Director
Teleios Capital Partners LLC : Director – Permanent representative: Nathan Lane
Majorelle Investments  : Director – Permanent representative: Anouck Duranteau-Loeper
Samira Mouaddine : Employee representative Director
Christophe Richard : Employee representative Director

The Audit Committee assists the Board of Directors in its mission of approving the individual and consolidated accounts and in preparing the information to be delivered to the shareholders and to the market. The Audit Committee ensures that the  internal control systems and the risk management procedures of the Group are effective and efficient. It also monitors questions relating to the preparation and control of the accounts and financial information, as well as the legal control of the accounts.


The Audit Committee composition is the following one:



  • Michel Sirat -  Independent Director


  • Laure Hauseux - Independent Director
  • Victor Herrero - Independent Director
  • Teleios Capital Partners LLC : Director – Permanent representative: Nathan Lane

The Nomination and Compensation Committee is a specialised committee whose principal duty is to help the Board of Directors in the composition of the management bodies of the Company and the Group and in determining and regularly evaluating the compensation and benefits granted to Group executives (including all deferred benefits and/or compensation for voluntary or involuntary departures from the Group). 


The Nomination and Compensation Committee composition is the following one:


President :

  • Cécile Cloarec – Independent Director

Members :

  • Françoise Gri: Chairwoman of the Board of Directors and Independent Director
  • Michel Sirat: Independent Director
  • Gabriel Naouri: Director
  • Samira Mouaddine: Employee representative Director

The CSR Committee composition is the following one:

President : 

  • Alexandra Palt - Independent Director

Members :

  • Françoise Gri: Chairwoman of the Board and Independent Director
  • Cécile Cloarec: Independent Director
  • François-Melchior de Polignac: Director, CEO of Maisons du Monde
  • Christophe Richard: Employee representative Director



The Strategic Committee's mission is to assist the Board of Directors in implementing the strategic guidelines defined by the latter. In this capacity, the Strategic Committee (i) monitors the proper execution of the strategic plan established by the Board and (ii) examines any potential adjustments and updates to the plan.

The composition of the Strategic Committee is as follows:


  • Françoise Gri - Chairwoman of the Board of Directors and Independent Director


  • Michel Sirat - Chairman of the Audit Committee and Independent Director
  • Gabriel Naouri - Director
  • Teleios Capital Partners LLC: Director - Permanent Representative: Nathan Lane
  • François-Melchior de Polignac: Director, Chief Executive Officer of Maisons du Monde


The Executive Committee

Maisons du Monde relies on an experienced leadership team, headed by our CEO, François-Melchior de Polignac, and executives ensuring the daily operations of the Group. Their mission is to continue to ensure the development of Maisons du Monde using a multichannel and international approach, constantly offering a unique and inspirational product range, and making customer satisfaction a key factor in all decisions.

François-Melchior de Polignac est Directeur Général de Maisons du Monde.

François-Melchior de Polignac

Chief Executive
Denis Lamoureux Directeur Administratif et Financier

Denis Lamoureux

Chief Financial Officer
Directrice Exécutive Ressources Humaines


Chief Human Resources Officer
Aude Rimlinger Directrice Exécutive de la Stratégie

Aude Rimlinger

Directrice Exécutive de la Stratégie
Christophe Lapotre, Chief Store Operations Officer

Christophe Lapotre

Chief Store Operations Officer
Guillaume Lesouef appointed Head of Marketing, Merchandise and Sustainability at Maisons du Monde.

Guillaume Lesouef

Head of Marketing, Merchandise and Sustainability
Cédric Paris Directeur Supply Chain

Cédric Paris

Chief Supply Chain Officer