L’ARRONDI is a micro donation for major causes. In this first part of our operation, over 705,000 donations have been made for Awely's project. A total of €72,444.05 was collected.
Your donations are entirely given to Awely and will be used to:
- finance the running of the project's school and the environment education centre for 3 years
- plant trees and ecological gardens in 10 villages
- set up an ecological tracking of gorillas in the reserve
"Thanks to you, our gorilla protection and poverty alleviation programme in Cameroon is getting a tremendous support. We are very pleased that you got introduced to our organisation. One out of every two clients of Maisons du Monde has made a donation to Awely and this makes us very proud. On behalf of all the Awely teams and the beneficiaries of the project, Thank You! "
Renaud Fulconis, founder and director of Awely

From 16 May to 14 September 2017, inclusive, you will be able to round up your purchases by a few cents. 100% of these "micro donations" will be given to the Association Cœur de Forêt for its project "Planter pour préserver les forêts en danger de l’île de Florès en Indonésie" (Planting to preserve endangered forests on the Flores Island in Indonesia).
The aim of the Cœur de Forêt project is to preserve the forest of the Sacrée Wolomezé Mountain and neighbouring forests, via a reforestation programme reintroducing endangered trees such as the Sandalwood.
Through three reforestation campaigns, 100,000 trees will be planted. Cœur de Forêt also supports local communities by helping them to live from the cultivation of forest products, such as vanilla and patchouli, in a sustainable and responsible manner.