Every year, over 30,000 products are repaired in the Maisons du Monde workshops in the south of France.
In 2023, we strengthened our circular economy approach by launching our "Second chance" circular economy program in all of our stores and on our website maisonsdumonde.com in France since October 2024.
Because our products deserve to last and have multiple lives, we have created a repair and refurbishment division for our products. We also work with the social and solidarity economy to promote reuse and offer a Second Chance to products with slight defects by selling them to our customers at discounted prices.
More services for a circular, social, and solidarity-based life cycle is commitment #4 of our Good is Beautiful movement.
In October 2023, we launched "Second chance", a circular economy program aimed at offering our customers damaged furniture and decorative items from customer returns or store display models. Customers can find these products in-store and give them a Second Chance at discounted prices, ranging from -30% to -50% depending on the type of defect, while also reducing the environmental impact of their consumption. In 2024, more than 365,000 products were sold.
Since October 2024, this offer is also available on the Maisons du Monde website in France. Sourced from customer returns, furniture and large decorative items are carefully inspected by our warehouse experts to give them a Second Chance. More than 1,100 products were sold by the end of 2024.

To extend the life of our products and give them an even greater social impact, we are looking to promote solutions for re-use and repair. As soon as it is possible to do so, we offer them a second, more sustainable life. There are two alternative ways for this:
- We repair decommissioned products or customer returns and refurbish them in workshops located in our warehouses, at Saint-Martin de Crau in southern France. Each year, over 30,000 products are repaired in our workshop by our woodwork, textile and leather experts before being resold.
- We donate products that we are unable to repair to social and solidarity economy organisations that specialise in re-use (Emmaüs and the Red Cross) with whom we have partnerships. Our products are therefore repaired and resold, contributing to the professional integration of the employees from these organisations. Similarly, we encourage our customers to donate their old items to these associations and guide them towards specialist recycling facilities near where they live.