Thanks to the generosity of the brand’s customers and the commitment of the stores’ teams, a million euros has been collected with the ARRONDI Round up operation since 2016.
On 11 July, the total of the donations collected via the ARRONDI Round up operation exceeded the one million euros threshold. Indeed, since the launch of the ARRONDI Round up operation in all our Maisons du Monde stores in France, customers have made more than 8 million micro-donations to support the forest preservation and wood recycling projects selected by the Maisons du Monde Foundation.
For the occasion, the brand wants to thank its customers for their generosity, but also the staff, in particular the checkout teams, which work daily to promote the associative projects that benefit from the ARRONDI Round up operation. Thus, at Maisons du Monde, about one customer out of every two on average makes a contribution to arrondi at the checkout.

Since 2016, 10 associations have seen their projects financed: Envol Vert, Tchendukua, Le FOYER Notre-Dame-des-Sans-Abris, Ishpingo, GERES, API’UP, AICO La Manufacture, Forestever, Cœur de Forêt and Awely.
Every year, it is these projects that welcome a team of randomly selected Maisons du Monde staff members who are offered the chance to discover the impacts of the donations collected, in the field. For them, the idea is to spend a few days participating in the life of the association which supports the local communities in preserving their environment.