With Brainforest, you can help local populations in Minvoul, in the Congo, relaunch cacao growing to combat deforestation.
Starting on Monday 19 August, all micro-donations made via "ARRONDI en caisse" (price round-up system at the till) will go to the Brainforest association, in collaboration with "Man & Nature de Noé", to support the project "Combating deforestation in the Gabon through cacao".
Selected in the 2019 Maisons du Monde Foundation's Call for Projects for three years of support, this project is being coordinated by the Brainforest association in partnership with the "Man & Nature de Noé" programme. On 1 January 2019, the merger of two associations, Man & Nature and Noé, gave rise to the "Man & Nature de Noé" programme. This is designed to help local populations manage their natural resources sustainably by teaching them sustainable farming practices through cacao growing.

Support for the project in 2019
The Brainforest association's project is taking place in Minvoul, in north Gabon, not far from the Minkebe national park, which contains part of the Congo basin. Brainforest wants to assist women in harvesting produce that grows on trees, such as fruits, and to relaunch cacao growing in Minvoul.
The overall long-term objective here is to combat the deforestation now seriously affecting the Congo basin, the third largest tropical basin in the world.
Through this project, communities and especially women can earn a stable income for their families while protecting the forest's natural resources.
Funding from the Maisons du Monde Foundation will make it possible to:
- Introduce agroforestry plantations in the shade, including cacao trees
- Boost 25 producers' capacities in terms of good farming practices and commercial management to increase their autonomy
- Diversify marketing with forestry produce, so that communities are not solely dependent on cacao harvests
For more information, see the association's website: http://www.brainforest-gabon.org/