Des Enfants et des Arbres replaces GRET as the ARRONDI en caisse beneficiary in all our French stores. In France, the association is working to conserve trees and hedgerows by getting children involved. Find out more about their project!
From 29 November 2022, all the micro-donations of spare change through the ARRONDI en caisse scheme in Maisons du Monde stores across France will be donated to Des Enfants et des Arbres, to be put towards its project "Getting children involved in conserving trees and hedgerows".
Spotlight on the association's conservation project
Hedges are true allies in our fight against climate change because they act as natural barriers to soil erosion or as places of refuge for birds, insects and small mammals. And yet, we are currently still losing 11,000km of hedgerow every year, while only 3000km are planted. Wild trees are disappearing from our landscapes for good. This environmental disaster is compounded by the plight of cut-off farmers, who often lack the financial, technical and physical means to restore their enclosed landscapes.
Founded in 2019, Des Enfants et des Arbres gets schoolchildren aged 9 to 12 to help farmers all over France to plant trees on their land. Over two planting seasons, 4000 children have already helped the association to plant 15,000 trees on 90 farms! From this year until 2024, we have chosen to support this association to help them take their work a step further and increase the number of project beneficiaries (farmers, children, local stakeholders).

The funds collected through customer donations to the ARRONDI en caisse scheme will help:
- To extend the association's reach, taking it from 60 to 100 projects per year;
- To make children aware of the benefits of trees and make planting a part of the school syllabus;
- To spread an inspiring, pragmatic and positive message on the virtues of trees in the world of farming.
For more information, visit the project page on the MDM Foundation website or the association's website.