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Envol Vert has been chosen for ARRONDI en caisse in all of our French stores
Envol Vert follows on from Oasis Citadine as the project benefitting from the ARRONDI en caisse scheme in all our French stores. The organisation works to protect the Amazon rainforest and its biodiversity in Peru. Learn more about this project!
From Tuesday, 29 August 2023, all the donations of spare change through the ARRONDI en caisse scheme in Maisons du Monde stores across France will go to Envol Vert to be put towards its project "Protect the Amazon rainforest and its biodiversity in Peru".
A closer look at the organisation's project
Peru is home to 13% of the Amazon rainforest, second only to Brazil. The deforestation there is the result of the precarious position of local populations who transform the rainforest floor for agricultural exports (such as coffee or cocoa) or for subsistence agriculture. The forest is thus being depleted as agriculture expands.
In its efforts to halt this process of deforestation, Envol Vert is launching a regional project to assist local agricultural cooperatives and forest conservation teams in developing practices for the sustainable management of natural resources.

The funds collected through Maisons du Monde customer donations to the ARRONDI en caisse scheme in 2023 will help:
- Convert the agricultural plots into agroforestry systems or reforest them;
- Train and empower participants in the harvesting, processing and marketing of forest products;
- Promote the preservation of the Peruvian Amazon by enhancing the capabilities of agricultural cooperatives and organisations working to protect the local forests;
- Monitor and protect nearly 40,000 hectares of forest with park wardens;
- Develop community action plans for the conservation of endangered species.

Would you like to know more about the project? Visit the project page on the Maisons du Monde Foundation website or the organisation's website.
The Tchendukua association has been chosen for ARRONDI en caisse in all of our French stores
The Tchendukua association has been chosen for ARRONDI en caisse in all of our French stores
Tchendukua is replacing Des Enfants et des Arbres (Children and trees) as the beneficiary of ARRONDI en caisse (Rounding up at the till) in all of our French stores. The association works in Colombia to help the Kogi, Wiwa and Arhuaco legally recover their ancestral lands with a view to safeguarding their cultures and protecting their environment. Find out more about their project!
From 10 January 2023, all the micro-donations of spare change through the ARRONDI en caisse scheme in Maisons du Monde stores across France will be donated to Tchendukua, to be put towards its project "Helping the Kogi, Wiwa and Arhuaco peoples recover their ancestral land".
Spotlight on the association's project
In Colombia, the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta mountain range is one of the world's most important biodiversity hotspots for the conservation of protected species. But, today, but only 17% of its original forests remain. This region is also home to the Kogi, Wiwa and Arhuaco indigenous populations. As a result of colonisation, coca cultivation and drug trafficking, these groups were gradually stripped of their lands. That's why Tchendukua decided to act.
With initial support from the Maisons du Monde Foundation between 2018 and 2020, the association has taken important steps to enable the Kogi and Wiwa peoples to recover their ancestral lands. The initial goal of the partnership, based on the acquisition of 170 hectares of ancestral land in the Mendihuaca River Valley, has now been comfortably met, with 685 hectares having been being recovered. This has resulted in 700 people being resettled on their land! To take the project even further, the Maisons du Monde Foundation has renewed its partnership with the association until 2024.

The funds collected through customer donations to the ARRONDI en caisse scheme will help:
- Support the Kogi, Wiwa and Arhuaco in recovering a further 250 hectares of land at least, by providing training on legal processes.
- Assist between 15 and 20 families settle in, regenerate biodiversity and transfer ancestral knowledge to younger generations.
- Promote dialogue between indigenous and non-indigenous people to raise awareness of the need to preserve these cultures and ecosystems.
For more information, visit the project page on the MDM Foundation website or the association's website.

Des Enfants et des Arbres has been chosen for ARRONDI en caisse in all our French stores
Des Enfants et des Arbres replaces GRET as the ARRONDI en caisse beneficiary in all our French stores. In France, the association is working to conserve trees and hedgerows by getting children involved. Find out more about their project!
From 29 November 2022, all the micro-donations of spare change through the ARRONDI en caisse scheme in Maisons du Monde stores across France will be donated to Des Enfants et des Arbres, to be put towards its project "Getting children involved in conserving trees and hedgerows".
Spotlight on the association's conservation project
Hedges are true allies in our fight against climate change because they act as natural barriers to soil erosion or as places of refuge for birds, insects and small mammals. And yet, we are currently still losing 11,000km of hedgerow every year, while only 3000km are planted. Wild trees are disappearing from our landscapes for good. This environmental disaster is compounded by the plight of cut-off farmers, who often lack the financial, technical and physical means to restore their enclosed landscapes.
Founded in 2019, Des Enfants et des Arbres gets schoolchildren aged 9 to 12 to help farmers all over France to plant trees on their land. Over two planting seasons, 4000 children have already helped the association to plant 15,000 trees on 90 farms! From this year until 2024, we have chosen to support this association to help them take their work a step further and increase the number of project beneficiaries (farmers, children, local stakeholders).

The funds collected through customer donations to the ARRONDI en caisse scheme will help:
- To extend the association's reach, taking it from 60 to 100 projects per year;
- To make children aware of the benefits of trees and make planting a part of the school syllabus;
- To spread an inspiring, pragmatic and positive message on the virtues of trees in the world of farming.
For more information, visit the project page on the MDM Foundation website or the association's website.

GRET has been chosen for ARRONDI en caisse in all of our French stores
GRET replaces the Conservatoire Méditerranéen Partagé as the ARRONDI en caisse beneficiary in all of our French stores. The association is working with locals to preserve and restore forests and mangroves on the island of Nosy Boraha in Madagascar. Find out more about their project!
From 26 July 2022, all the micro-donations of spare change through the ARRONDI en caisse scheme in Maisons du Monde stores across France will be donated to GRET, to be put towards its project "Preserving forests on the Island of Nosy Boraha".
Spotlight on the GRET's forest conservation project
The island of Nosy Boraha, classified as a priority site for protection by the Malagasy State, includes 4000ha of forests, 800 of which are deemed to be remarkable (i.e. containing trees considered special due to their age, shape, size, associated legends and so on), and 172ha of mangroves. The island's biodiversity is under threat due to overexploitation of resources and intense deforestation.
In light of this problem, GRET is running awareness and training projects on location for local populations and has asked the State to create a protected area, both on land and in the waters surrounding the island, in order to preserve this habitat. After six years of partnership with GRET, the Maisons du Monde Foundation has renewed its support in 2022 so that the association can continue to grow and implement new actions over the next two years.

The funds collected through customer donations to the ARRONDI en caisse scheme will help the project:
- Create anti-forest-crime, awareness raising and ecological restoration programmes;
- Ensure legal recognition for the protected area;
- Create market gardening training for local populations;
- Develop community ecotourism on the island.
For more information, visit the project page on the MDM Foundation website or the association's website.

Conservatoire Méditerranéen Partagé has been chosen for ARRONDI en caisse in all of our French stores
Conservatoire Méditerranéen Partagé (Shared Mediterranean Conservatory) is replacing the Ishpingo foundation as the beneficiary of ARRONDI en caisse (Rounding up at the till) in all of our French stores. Working in the French part of the Mediterranean basin, this organisation fights to preserve rare and ancient fruit varieties, as well as regional know-how. Find out more about their project!
From 3rd, May 2022, all the micro-donations of spare change through the ARRONDI en caisse scheme in Maisons du Monde stores across France will be donated to Conservatoire Méditerranéen Partagé, to be put towards its project "Future orchards: protecting and spreading the cultivated biodiversity of the Mediterranean".
A closer look at preservation in the Mediterranean basin through this project
The Mediterranean basin is one of the four most endangered biodiversity hotspots in the world. Here, the cultivation of a large number of plant varieties and species is a factor in maintaining genetic diversity. However, cultivated biodiversity has also been eroded for decades. Only a handful of the most productive and profitable varieties, like vines and olive trees, are still being planted.
To address this problem, Conservatoire Méditerranéen Partagé helps private and public stakeholders plant orchards to preserve and promote the rare and ancient fruit varieties of the French Mediterranean basin. In so doing, the organisation helps maintain the region's cultivated biodiversity.

The funds collected through customer donations to the ARRONDI en caisse scheme will help the project:
- plant 10 orchards;
- plant 2000 trees of 10 different Mediterranean species;
- preserve 100 rare and ancient fruit varieties from the region;
- put on training days and workshops on agro-ecological practices and the challenges of protecting cultivated biodiversity.
For more information, visit the project page on the MDM Foundation website or the organisation's website.
Does the name of our partner organisation ring any bells? You may remember that from 25 to 29 March, Maisons du Monde employees went out and met Conservatoire Méditerranéen Partagé during Solidaritrips.

"Aux Arbres!" Tree planting to raise awareness amongst our customers of the importance of protecting forests and trees
Off the back of "Aux Arbres!" week, held online and at Maisons du Monde stores from 2 to 6 June 2021, the MDM Foundation invited customers to help plant trees in three regions of France with its partner, the Fonds pour l'Arbre tree fund. A look back at these events in pictures and video.
During "Aux Arbres!" week, customer purchases of our forest-friendly products helped fund the planting and maintenance of 10,000 trees in France. As a way of saying thank you, those who got involved in the campaign were invited to take part in planting the trees. The goal? To give our customers the chance to join us in fighting to protect forests and trees!
A relaxed, collaborative activity
Customers brought along their friends and family to plant trees with the Fonds pour l’Arbre tree fund in three regions of France, Wavrin (59), Brie-Comte-Robert (77) and Bouaye (44), between 20 November and 11 December. Featuring:
A welcome address raising awareness of the importance of preserving forests and hedgerows in France, during which participants can enjoy a hot drink
Tree planting and mulching
A relaxed meal with all participants

Through these events, our customers have made their own contribution to fighting climate change, preserving biodiversity, protecting soils and improving water quality. A wonderful gesture to help protect trees in the French countryside!
Look out for the Les Planteurs Volontaires organisation in Maisons du Monde stores in France through ARRONDI en caisse
Les Planteurs Volontaires succeeds the Envol Vert association as the ARRONDI en caisse beneficiary in all our French stores. In Hauts-de-France, the organisation is doing work with local citizens to reforest the region and preserve hedges and orchards. Read more about their project.
From 3 August 2021, all the micro-donations of spare change made through the ARRONDI en caisse scheme in Maisons du Monde stores across France will be donated to the Les Planteurs Volontaires (Volunteer Planters) organisation to be put towards its project called "Biodiversit'Haie: l'appel citoyen pour préserver nos paysages" (public appeal to protect French landscapes).
The project led by Les Planteurs Volontaires
Less than 9% of the Nord-Pas-de-Calais region is populated with trees, which, compared to an average tree coverage of 31% across France, makes it home to the least-wooded departments in Metropolitan France. More generally, the Hauts-de-France forest represents only 3% of the forest cover in France — an area that is far too small to ensure the restoration of biodiversity and a good living environment for the inhabitants of the region.
This has led Les Planteurs Volontaires to organise community volunteering events to plant trees in the region, in collaboration with local stakeholders.
The Maisons du Monde Foundation will support the organisation to create ten groups in France. The funds will be put towards:
- The cost of new trees and planting kits, with the aim of planting 30,000 trees over two winters all over France (in addition to the 30,000 trees that the organisation is planting in Hauts-de-France every year);
- Training local groups in theory and practice, so they can gain independence in project management;
- The project's general running costs within the organisation.

For more information, visit the MDM Foundation website project page or the organisation's website (French only)!
Official launch of the Maisons du Monde Foundation
The Maisons du Monde Foundation under the aegis of the Nicolas Foundation Hulot for Nature and Man, was officially launched on Tuesday 31 May 2016 in Nantes. Review of this event, which officialises our commitment in favour of forests, handicraft in Southern countries and the promotion of wood as a raw material in distribution countries.
Why the Nicolas Hulot Foundation?
The mission statement of the Nicolas Hulot Foundation for Nature and Man is set out as follows: "contribute to the transformation of our societies through a change in individual and collective behaviours. The objective of this transformation is to ensure the protection of our common natural heritage, the fair sharing of resources, solidarity and respect for diversity in all its forms". Values and commitments in favour of sustainable development that Maisons du Monde shares and which led it to get its Foundation hosted by the FNH, thus becoming the very first foundation to be hosted by the FNH.
"I couldn't hope for a better partner for Maisons du Monde to lead our philanthropic action at the service of the environment". Xavier Marie, Founder of Maisons du Monde.
Nicolas Hulot, special guest at this official presentation, underlined the complementarity between his Foundation and that of Maisons du Monde with emphasis on the mutual benefits to be derived from this collaboration.
Left to right Fabienne Morgaut, CSR Director of Maisons du Monde and the Maisons du Monde Foundation under the aegis of the Nicolas Hulot Foundation, Nicolas Hulot, Xavier Marie, Founder of Maisons du Monde and Chairman of the Maisons du Monde Foundation under the aegis of the Nicolas Hulot Foundation and Gilles Petit, CEO of Maisons du Monde.

Budget and means of action?
In keeping with the solidarity actions undertaken by Maisons du Monde since 2010, the objective of the Maisons du Monde Foundation is to support seven projects every year and to monitor them over three years, with substantial financing up to a maximum of €30k per project per year.
These projects are in addition to the NGOs and actions that Maisons du Monde has supported for several years, and which will now be financed and supported by the Maisons du Monde Foundation.

For more info on the Foundation
You can also get information on the actions carried out by the Fondation pour la Nature et pour l'Homme